Udvalg af litteratur med relation til storytelling og organisationsteori
Andersen, Heine og Kaspersen, Lars Bo (Ed.): Klassisk og moderne samfundsteori. Hans Reitzels Forlag, 1996/2000.
Andersen, Heine, Thomas Brante og Olav Korsnes (red.) ”Leksikon i sociologi”, Akademisk Forlag 1998
Andersen, Ib (red.) ”Valg af organisationssociologiske metoder – et kombinationsperspektiv”, Samfundslitteratur 1990
Bakka, Jørgen Frode og Fivelsdal, Egil: Organisationsteori. Handelshøjskolens Forlag, 1998/2000.
Berthelsen, Jens et al.: Fortælleteori. Arena, 1974.
Blixen, Karen ”Sidste fortællinger”, Gyldendal 1957
Boje, David M. og Robert E. Dennehy ”Managing in the postmodern world”, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company 1994
Bordwell, David: Narration in the Fiction Film. Routledge, 1985/1997
Branigan, Edward: Narrative Comprehension and Film. Routledge, 1992/2001.
Bruhn Jensen, Klaus: Medier af 3. grad. Artikel i Kosmorama 224, 1999.
Carey, James W.: Communication as Culture. Routledge, 1989/1992.
Christensen, Bolette M. “At interviewe for at lære”, Institut for Statskundskab, Undervisningsserie 1994/2
Damasio, Antonio: Descartes’ Error. Papermac, 1994/1996. –
De Chernatony, Leslie “From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation – Strategically Building and Sustaining Brands”, Butterworth Heinemann 2001
Denning, Stephen ”The Springboard – How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations”, Butterworth-Heinemann 2001
Denning, Stephen: The Springboard. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001.
Duncan, Tom og Clarke Claywood ”The concept, Process, and Evolution of Integrated Marketing Communication”
Giddens, Anthony ”Consequences of Modernity”, Polity Press 1990
goods and activities” Indiana University Press, Bloomington 1988 -
Grodal, Torben Kragh: Kognitiv medieanalyse. Artikel i MedieKultur 22, August 1994.
Grodal, Torben: Fortællingens frie spil. Artikel i Kosmorama 224, 1999.
Grodal, Torben: Moving Pictures. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1997/1999.
Hansen, R.L. og Kofoed, L.: Storytelling – en analyse af et modebegreb. Speciale, 2001.
Hjarvard, Stig: Simulerede samtaler: Om forholdet mellem interpersonal kommunikation ogmedieformidlet kommunikation. Artikel i MedieKultur 26, 1997.
Hjort, Karin (red.) ”Diskurs – analyse af tekst og kontekst”, Samfundslitteratur 1997
Holmgaard, Jørgen: Narrativitet. Et forskningsfelts forvandlinger. Artikel i Kultur og Klasse -76, Medusa, 1994.
Ind, Nicholas ”The Corporate Brand”, MacMillian Press Ltd. 1997
Jaffee, David: Organization Theory – Tension and Change. McGraw-Hill Education, 2001
Jensen, Rolf “The Dream Society”, Jyllands-Postens Erhvervsbøger 1999
Jensen, Rolf: The Dream Society. Jyllandspostens Erhvervsbøger, 1999/2001. –
Johnsen, Erik og Steen Hildebrandt (red.) ”Ledelse ’97 – bliv ajourført og inspireret af 10 danske professorer”, Børsen 1997
Kapferer, Jean-Noël ”Strategic Brand Management”, Kogan Page 1997
Knox, Simon og Stan Maklan “Competing on Value – Bridging the Gap Between Brand and Customer Value”, Pitman Publishing, London 1998
Kotler, Philip ”Marketing Management – Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control”, Prentice Hall International 1997
Kunde, Jesper: Corporate Religion. Pearson Education, 1997/2000.
Lakoff, George og Johnson, Mark: Metaphors we live by. The University of Chicago Press, 1980/1981.
Lakoff, George: Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. The University of Chicago Press, 1987/1990.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude ”Structural Antropology”, Basic Books 1963, original udgave 1958
Martin, Joanne ”Cultures in Organizations – Three Perspectives”, Oxford University Press 1992
McQuail, Denis: Mass Communication Theory. 3 rd Edition. Sage Publications, 1983/1998.
Mintzberg, Henry: Structure in Fives: Designing Effective Organisations. Prentice Hall International, 1983.
Normann, Richard ”Service Management”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1990
Nymark, Søren ”Organizational Storytelling – Creating Enduring Values in a High-tech Company”, Ankerhus 2000
Nøjgaard, Morten ”Det litterære værk”, Odense Universitetsforlag 1996
Olins, Wally “Corporate Identity – Making Business Strategy Visible Through Design”, Thames and Hudson 1989
Olins, Wally “The Wolff Olins Guide to Corporate Identity”, The Design Council 1990
Oxgren, Ole: Den gode historie er tidens nye ledelsesværktøj. Artikel i kursusavisen Job.Karriere, 30. maj 2002.
Parkin, Margaret “Tales for Trainers”, Kogan Page Ltd. 1998
Peters, Thomas J. og Robert H. Waterman, Jr. “In Search of Excellence”, Warner Books 1984
Reeves, Byron og Nass, Clifford: The Media Equation. Cambridge University Press, 1996/1998.
Scannell, Paddy: Kommunikativ intentionalitet i radio og fjernsyn. Artikel i MedieKultur 22, August 1994.
Schultz, Majken ”Kultur i organisationer – Funktion eller symbol”, Handelshøjskolens Forlag 1990
Schultz, Majken og Mogens Holten Larsen ”Den udtryksfulde virksomhed”, Bergsøe 4 1998
Schultz, Majken, Mary Jo Hatch og Mogens Holten Larsen (red.) “The Expressive Organization – Linking Identity, Reputation and the Corporate Brand”, Oxford University Press 2000
Searle, John R.: Mind, Language and Society. Phoenix, 2000.
Simmons, Annette: The Story Factor. Perseus Publishing, 2001. Southern Illinois University Press, 1996/1998.
Søderberg, Anne Marie “Undervejs”, Samfundslitteratur 1994
Thorson, Ester og Jeri Moore ”Integrated Communication”, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 1996
Van Riel, Cees ”Principles of corporate communication”, Prentice Hall 1992
Whetten, David A. og Paul C. Godfrey (red.) ”Identity in Organizations – Building Theory Through Conversations”, Sage Publications 1998
Aaker, David A. ”Building Strong Brands”, The Free Press 1996